“Where I’m from” Poem

I am from a long, winding gravel driveway
that has been endlessly paced
in hopes of conquering inner fears.
I am from the soft wind blowing across a field,
where the skittish deer hide from human eyes.
For in the fall, they are not safe.

I am from a nose buried in a textbook,
taking in every word
in hopes of making the best grade.
I am from long hours spent in a silent room,
where only the scratching of a pencil
and the flipping of pages can be heard.
Where success is a must
and the question is only a matter of “how”.

I am from home cooked meals
that were lovingly made with soft hands,
and carry an aroma throughout the house,
making the mouth water and the stomach growl.

I am from simplicity.
Where dreams become a part of the future;
and it all started here.

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